Quality during Design
Quality during Design is a production of Deeney Enterprises, LLC. It is a podcast for product designers, engineers, and anyone else who cares about creating high-quality products. In each episode, we explore the principles of quality design, from user-centered thinking to iterative development. We introduce frameworks to make better design decisions and reduce costly re-designs. We explore ways to co-work with cross-functional teams. We also talk to experts in the field about their experiences and insights.
Join host Dianna Deeney in using quality thinking throughout the design process to create products others love, for less. Whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting out, looking to improve your existing designs or start from scratch, Quality during Design is the podcast for you.
Quality during Design
QDD Redux: Quality Tools are Legos of Development (and Their 7 Uses)
How are quality tools Legos of development?
We talk about two philosophies of brick building and our use of the family of quality tools.
We also talk about seven uses of quality tools in product development.
Visit the podcast blog for fun graphics.
Other Quality during Design podcast episodes you might like:
Choosing Quality Tools (Mind Map vs. Flowchart vs. Spaghetti Diagram)
Quality as a Strategic Asset vs. Quality as a Control
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About me
Dianna Deeney is a quality advocate for product development with over 25 years of experience in manufacturing. She is president of Deeney Enterprises, LLC, which helps organizations optimize their engineering processes and team performance by promoting the use of reliability and quality methods during design. She offers consulting services for managers and directors, training for engineers through the Quality During Design program, and other practical resources.
Welcome to the Quality During Design podcast. I'm your host, diana Deeney. I want to reintroduce an episode that was recorded a couple of years ago. I'm reintroducing it because I was reminded about it. The Lego movie was in my queue and the episode is about how we can think of quality tools as Legos, that there are two philosophies that we can apply to our quality tool use. I recorded it to kind of expand our expectations of what we can do with common quality tools and I wanted to reintroduce it to you. If you're a repeat listener of the Quality During Design podcast, welcome back. If you're new to the Quality During Design podcast, welcome. We talk a lot about product development and engineers working to create new products. Quality during design is a philosophy that emphasizes the benefits of cross-functional team involvement in design. It's also a methodology that uses quality tools to refine design concepts early. So if you're involved in designing stuff and want or need to know how to do it better, if you want to avoid surprises during tests, design what your customers really want and have shorter design cycle, and also if you feel like you just need to do more with less and still create the best, we have some resources for you. I invite you to visit and bookmark the website qualityduringdesigncom. On that website, you can access and search through the podcast library. There's also additional training links and other offerings available that you can access for free. If you want to stay on top of what's the latest and greatest, then please sign up for our monthly newsletter. All of this can be done at qualityduringdesigncom Without further delay. I'll share this Quality During Design archive episode.
Speaker 1:Enjoy those plastic building blocks, legos. Kids play with them in imaginative ways. In fact, they're one of the modern day model model-building kids. For adults too, they're used to build robots with a community that competes. Robot a robot. A man uses them to fill in gaps in buildings and sidewalks in his neighborhood, replacing brick-and-mortar bricks with Lego bricks and filling potholes and gaps in sidewalks with Lego bricks. A woman builds wheelchair-accessible ramps for stores so that she can shop there, partnering with the shopkeepers to provide accessibility. Legos are adaptable, seemingly timeless, readily available to many and useful sort of like the family of quality tools. Even with all these uses, there's two philosophies of a LEGO bill that tie in with two philosophies of quality tool use. Let's talk more about LEGOs and quality tools after this brief introduction.
Speaker 1:Hello and welcome to Quality During Design, the place to use quality thinking to create products others love for less. Each week, we talk about ways to use quality during design, engineering and product development. My name is Diana Deeney. I'm a senior level quality professional and engineer with over 20 years of experience in manufacturing and design. Listen in and then join us Visit qualityduringdesigncom.
Speaker 1:I watch cartoons. I mean, I have kids, but even if I didn't have kids, I would probably watch cartoons. I watched the Lego movies with my family. I would have watched it on my own. One of its songs is my ringtone on my phone because it makes me smile. If you haven't seen it and should, let me tell you a bit about it without giving spoilers.
Speaker 1:The Lego movies star a character named Emmett Brikowski, a construction worker who lives in Bricksburg. Bricksburg is a place where everything is built to specification. Emmett builds things following a carefully laid out blueprint and he's great at it. He has a routine life and Emmett thinks everything is awesome. Playing opposite of Emmett is Wildstyle, a master builder who doesn't want to follow the blueprints and sort of rails against the idea that everything needs to be meticulously planned out. I can't really tell you much more about it without giving away some of its fun twists, and the movie is fun. It highlights philosophical differences in building with Legos. One thing we can do is to follow a plan following the Lego instructions to build from the construction manual. The other philosophy is to creatively assemble a build, piecing together what we've got in hand. The Lego Group Company was clever in recognizing these two different philosophies with their product. In the Lego store in a mall near me, they sell those fancy kits that people assemble with a blueprint, from kits made for adults with thousands of pieces to kits made with larger blocks for smaller kids. They also have a whole wall, floor to ceiling, of loose Lego bricks, organized by color, size and special shapes.
Speaker 1:What does this have to do with quality tools? Well, quality tools can be like Lego bricks. With some, we follow a plan, meticulously building out an analysis to draw a conclusion. With others, we grab some building blocks, invite our friends and create something out of ideas. Both are okay and both have a place in the product development process. Really, what we need to do is we need to keep the end in mind. Do we want a tidy record of analysis that feeds into other analyses that we can build upon as we develop ideas, iterate on it and use it to make conclusions, then we'll want to be like Emmett and follow a blueprint. Or do we want to use a quality tool to be able to work with our team, to be creative and come up with new ideas, identify problems or figure out next steps? Then we might treat a quality tool like wild style. I've created a list of seven ways that quality tools can be used for projects. As I'm going through this list, think about for yourself which ones do you think we should use, like Emmett, and which ones are more like wild style.
Speaker 1:Number one is that quality tools can be used to build out ideas with other people. They help us collaborate around a framework. We can use them as a prompt for brainstorming Instead of coming up with wild ideas out of nowhere. We have a framework that we can work within. Generally, these tools are accessible to many people. We don't have to have a specific job or a specific background or learning to be able to use it and participate with our team in using it.
Speaker 1:Number two is that we can use quality tools by ourselves. They can help us understand the big picture or hone in on a specific detail. We can use them to see patterns not seen before and also help us to organize lots of information. These are different ways that we could use quality tools by ourselves, or at least get them started by ourselves, to help us inform decisions. Number three quality tools we can share with others. This is where we can get alignment about ideas. Is what we're thinking, what the other person is thinking? The way reality is too. Let's get on the same page. We can also get confirmation Is this right or am I missing a step? Quality tools used in this way can also prompt us to ask questions about gaps and get input from others.
Speaker 1:Number four is that we can openly share quality tools within the project and outside of a project. Sharing the results of a quality tool activity outside of a project can give us new perspectives from other people. They can also teach others on how to do something. Maybe they would want to adopt one of your ideas and it can also help celebrate the team wins. Teamwork is hard and it's beneficial. Share it outside with others to celebrate the team win. Number five we can study quality tools to derive actions. We can look at them to find problem areas, those misalignments and misunderstandings, but then also identify opportunities for changes and improvements. Number six we can iterate quality tools as we learn more, especially through a project development process or a continuous improvement effort. And the last one, number seven, is that we can compile quality tools to tell a story to share lessons learned. Quality tools to tell a story to share lessons learned we can share that. We started with this problem and use this kind of quality tool to get these results and develop these questions that we thought needed to be answered. So then we followed through with some investigation and used another quality tool to investigate, analyze and come up with more answers or more opportunities. We can share our process for what we did in the project, for lessons learned, for other people and other projects. We can share what worked and what didn't work, and it serves as a baseline of how we made decisions through the project.
Speaker 1:At the beginning of the episode we talked about the two philosophy of Lego builds how one? You could be like Emmett and carefully follow the instructions. Or, on the other hand, you could be more like Wildstyle, the master builder, who collects bricks as she sees them and builds whatever she can with what she sees. You have my permission to be a little like wild style when using some quality tools. If it's organizing information, categorizing, creating some sort of model of a physical thing or a logical thing, helping people better understand an idea, then go a little wild style.
Speaker 1:Quality tools are proven frameworks that have worked for many people. They've been used by so many people that they have best practices. In that way, you can rely on them. But don't let knowing a little detail stop you from using them. They'll likely help you and your team and you'll get good at it through using it. Be careful. Just like some Lego bricks are only useful with a planned construction project, some quality tools are more useful with careful planning and execution. If it's used with rankings to highlight important things or has a basis in statistics, then be like Emmett and follow the rules of construction Thoughtfully execute and get advice from a knowledgeable practitioner. I hope you have a little bit of a different perspective about quality tools.
Speaker 1:We cover a lot of different quality tools and their potential uses in new product development through this podcast and on the podcast blog on the website. You can search for a particular topic or tool on the website. Chances are we may have covered it already. If we haven't covered it and you think we should send me a message, you can contact me through the website, either using the form or my contact information is listed there. No matter what, legos are fun. The Lego movies are also fun, and so are quality tools. This has been a production of Dini Enterprises. Thanks for listening.