Quality during Design
Quality during Design is a production of Deeney Enterprises, LLC. It is a podcast for product designers, engineers, and anyone else who cares about creating high-quality products. In each episode, we explore the principles of quality design, from user-centered thinking to iterative development. We introduce frameworks to make better design decisions and reduce costly re-designs. We explore ways to co-work with cross-functional teams. We also talk to experts in the field about their experiences and insights.
Join host Dianna Deeney in using quality thinking throughout the design process to create products others love, for less. Whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting out, looking to improve your existing designs or start from scratch, Quality during Design is the podcast for you.
QDD Redux: Quality Tools are Legos of Development (and Their 7 Uses)

Cultivating a Culture of Craftsmanship within Quality Systems
The Mighty Power of Mini Reports

Celebrating a Year of Insights

Social Dynamics within Engineering with Yakira Mirabito (A Chat with Cross-Functional Experts)

How Engineers Changed Thanksgiving
Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning, AI, and VR in Design Engineering

Improving communication and the workplace with Meagan Pollock (A Chat with Cross-Functional Experts)

Myths of Product Development - Part 2

Myths of Product Development - Part 1

Engineering Careers: A Panel Discussion with ‘Brilliant!’ and ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’'
Revolutionize Your Technical Presentations: Mastering the Assertion Evidence Model and the Six P's Framework

Prioritizing Customer Satisfaction in Product Design (the Kano Model)

Maximizing Meeting Value and Participation
Data Visualization Tips to Improve Analysis Skills

Effective Team Meetings: From Chaos to Cohesion
Unraveling QA, QC, Quality Assistance, and Quality 4.0
Simplifying Probabilities for Better Decision Making
From Solo to Collaboration: Lessons from Nobel Laureate Shuji Nakamura and Dale Carnegie

Bridging Triumph and Trial: A Panel Discussion about Engineering with 'To Engineer is Human' and 'The Wright Brothers'

What is DFSS and How does Quality during Design Relate?

Exposing The Hidden Flaws of FMEA and Risk Matrices: Advancing Your Risk Assessment

Getting Information for Product Design with Fred Schenkelberg (A Chat with Cross-Functional Experts) - Part 2

Getting Information for Product Design with Fred Schenkelberg (A Chat with Cross-Functional Experts) - Part 1

Harnessing Team Insights for Risk Analysis using Probabilities